Saturday, April 09, 2011

Taxes and more taxes

Here in Connecticut, they are looking at increasing the taxes on tobacco, which is to be expected with local governments looking for more money, but adding the tax would only cause me to reduce my consumption of cigars, hence less money to the State, but if they were to reduce the taxes, I would tend to buy more, which undoubtedly would lead to more money going to the State. This in turn also keeps your local retailer in business and also the local job market and business district can benefit from this.

Be sure to keep watch in your State for these changes. Ask your retailer or cigar distributor what is going on and how you can help.

Another concern is the Anti-Gun bills that are abuzz in D.C. since the Arizona shooting, 30 round magazines are being looked at closely, As well as H.R. 496, banning of firearms within 1000 feet of members of congress or H.R. 227 were if a criminal steals your legal gun YOU could go to prison. So please keep your eyes and ears open so that we can enjoy rights we all currently enjoy!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a shame...they are making it so that it's near illegal to enjoy something even in your own home...and tobacco isn't the only thing...we are losing our liberties little by little.

    I like your blog, and I hope the taxes don't stop your adventures.
